
[Bilingual post] Podcast Ep.3 Artists' Mental Health and Social Media /ポッドキャストEp3.アーティストのメンタルヘルスとソーシャルメディア

      Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載 Hello, this is Nisreen! I uploaded the third episode of my podcast. This time, I  talked  a theme that’s very close to my heart: artists’ mental health and social media. The definition of ‘artist’ here is anyone who expresses themselves through any art forms, no matter whether financial profit is involved. I’m not a believer that you’re only an artist only if you make money of your art. I analysed the reasons why social media could be toxic for artists' mental health and suggested three tips for softening the emotional toll. Please listen to it from the audio below, or  from  Apple Podcasts  or  Spotify  . I’d be delighted if you write a review of this podcast on  Apple Podcasts  or Spotify. And of course, you’re more than welcome to let me know your thoughts from the  contact form .  x Reference Social Media Use and Mental Health: A Global Analysis< > WHY SOCIAL MEDIA IS AN EMOTI

[Bilingual post] Podcast Ep.2 How to Appreciate Belly Dance Performance -Tulay Karaca- /ポッドキャストEp2.ベリーダンスパフォーマンスの読み解き方ーTulay Karaca編

    Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載 Hello, this is Nisreen! I uploaded the second episode of my podcast. This time, I  talked about how to watch my favourite art form: belly dancing! Belly dance is an umbrella term that includes numerous dance styles. This time, I used an  example of a legendary Turkish dancer, called Tulay Karaca.  Please listen to it from the audio below, or  from  Apple Podcasts or  Spotify  . I’d be delighted if you write a review of this podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. And of course, you’re more than welcome to let me know your thoughts from the contact form .  xRelated Links Tulay Karaca showing her signature moves  Tulay Karaca playing finger cymbals Tulay Karaca executing a backbend from 3:55 Tulay Karaca dancing to 9/8 Rhythm from 04:20   The 1st episode of my podcast --------------------------日本語------------------------------------ こんにちは。ニスリーンです。私のポッドキャストの 2 回目のエピソードを更新しました! 今日は、私の大好きな舞踊、ベリーダンスを観る時のポイントについてお話しました。 ベリーダンスというのはかなり包括的なジャンル名で、この分類の中には

[Bilingual post] Visual Diary 13 -Hard Water Problems -/ アメリカ絵日記13 硬水で困ること

  Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載  Hi all! This is Nisreen. I know I've complained about how the shower heads in our house in the US are fixed to the ceiling before-- it makes it really hard to rinse the bathtub. However, recently, I realised my real enemy in cleaning is the water itself, rather than the equipment to use the water. Water in the US is hard water. It creates stubborn stains on the bathtub, teacups, and especially toilet bowl, no matter how hard you clean these with standard cleaning products.  This has been annoying me quite a lot. As the water in Japan is soft, I've never had this issue in Tokyo. Humidity and fungus were much of an issue there--but not hard water. After days of research and experiments, I think I've found the best tip for dealing with it, though. Use a mixture of white vinegar and baking soda! For teacups, I steeped them in a bowl of that mixture. For the toilet bowl, I applied pieces of toilet paper to the stained spots, and soaked the

[Bilingual post] I Started a Podcast! /ポッドキャストを始めました!

    Japanese follows English/日本語は英語の後に記載 Hello, this is Nisreen! I finally started my own podcast! In this podcast, I will share my thoughts about different art forms, such as films, books, paintings, performing art, etc. in English and Japanese. Please click the link below to listen to the first episode. If you have any thoughts and comments, please let me know from the contact form as well! The podcast is now available on Apple Podcasts as well.   It's listed on Spotify, too! こんにちは、ニスリーンです!ついに私、自分のポッドキャストを始めました! このポッドキャストでは、映画や本、絵やダンスなど、様々な形のアートについて、日本語と英語両方で、お話しています。 エピソードは以下から是非お聴きください。連絡フォームより感想など教えていただけると、大変励みになります。 Apple Podcastsからも聞いて頂けます。   Spotifyからもどうぞ。 <English> <日本語> X More details and related links about the episode X エピソードの詳細と関連リンク • Fan talk with Sumino すみのさんとのファン対談 • Article about Manipuri Manipuriについての記事 • My RRR fan art 私のRRRファンアート Please comment from here! 感想はこちらから -----------Follow me------------ Instagram FB Website

RRR Fan Art Links

  My RRR fan art 'Gratitude' 'Jenny' ‘My Brother’ ‘Flame‘ ‘I Will Bring Her Back’ ‘Homeward’ The New World 'Single Ticket' "The First Saree". They Will Come Back Tomorrow ‘Cruel Fate‘ ‘I See You’ ‘Run To You’ 'The Eyes' ‘Someday‘ ‘Love And Mission‘ ‘Don't Call Me Ma'am‘ ‘Friendship’ -----------Follow me------------ Instagram FB Website

[Bilingual post] I Participated In a YouTube Talk Session about the Film ’RRR’! /映画’RRR’についてのYouTube動画に参加しました!

English follows Japanese   25 March 2024: We added English subtitles to the video! こんにちは!Nisreenです。 大好きな映画「RRR」(アカデミー賞も受賞した歴史アクション大作映画です。)について、日本のアーティスト友かつ人気YouTuberすみのさんのチャンネルに対談でお邪魔した際の動画が公開されました! 私たちの大好きな主人公の一人、Bheemというキャラクターについてファンの目線で語り倒しています。 こんなに人前でお話しすることは普段あまりなく、ちょっと照れくさい気持ちもありますが、映画にご興味ある方はぜひご覧になってみてください。  I got interviewed by a dear art friend and a popular YouTuber, Sumino about our favourite Academy Award-winning film, 'RRR.' We had a blast having a fan-girl talk about one of the protagonists, Bheem. *25 March 2024: We finally added English subtitles to the video!  If you haven't watched 'RRR' yet, I'd strongly recommend the film. 'RRR' is a beautiful and emotionally charged action film which moved and inspired audiences worldwide. -----------Follow me------------ Instagram FB Website

My Dance Videos 2023-

 Nisreen's performance videos ニスリーンの動画。適宜更新いたします。 Music: 'Tuta' by 'Farid al-Atrash', played by  @indyraqs Venue: Indiana, United States Event: INBC Belly Dance Annual Bazaar Performed by: Nisreen Choreographed by: Nisreen (primarily improv) Music: 'My Love' by 'Harem' Venue:  'Venue 812' in Indiana, United States Event: INBC Summer's End Belly Dance Fest Performed by: Nisreen Choreographed by: Nisreen (mostly improv) Choreography: improv Music: Mohamed Sultan, arranged by Samy Farag Performer: Nisreen